Our kids deserve access to information and the virtual tools critical in keeping them connected and engrained in their communities without fear of being exploited. Policymakers have the opportunity to prioritize the privacy and safety of kids while empowering parents to be active participants in how their child operates online.
About the Campaign
The Keep Kids Safe and Connected campaign is a voice for those who are concerned Congress is advancing legislation that will create new vulnerabilities for children’s and adults’ private data; expose children to new and unregulated safety concerns; leave parents with limited ways to keep their children safe; cut off the next generation from information critical to their education; and limit freedom of expression.
We support measures that would meaningfully improve online privacy and safety, but the Kids Online Safety Act would do the opposite and put our kids’ futures at risk.
There are already more than 100 stakeholder organizations publicly opposed to the Kids Online Safety Act, including the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fight for the Future, Library Futures, American Association of School Librarians, the Yale Privacy Lab, and many more (see full list below).
This bill is misguided and will do harm to online safety and privacy for kids as well as for adults.
We are also developing alternative and workable ways to meaningfully address concerns around kids' online privacy and safety. Our goal is to ensure kids remain safe online and policymakers do not cut kids off from access to information and the virtual tools critical in keeping them connected in their communities. Parents and families must also be empowered to decide what is best for their children online and to teach kids best practices for protecting themselves while navigating the internet.
Organizations That Have Previously Spoken Out Against KOSA
The organizations below are not a part of the Keep Kids Safe and Connected campaign and do not necessarily oppose all of the bills the campaign is working to address.
The 6:52 Project Foundation, Inc.
Access Now
Advocacy For Principled Action In Government
Advocates for Youth
Advocating Opportunity
American Association of School Librarians
American Atheists
American Civil Liberties Union
American Humanist Association
American Library Association
American Gay Black Man's Forum
Black and Pink National
Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA)
Center for Democracy and Technology
CenterLink: The Community for LGBT Centers
Copia Institute
Defending Rights & Dissent
EducateUS: SIECUS in Action
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Equality Arizona
Equality California
Equality Federation
Equality Michigan
Equality New Mexico
Equality Ohio
Equality Texas
Equality Utah
Equality Virginia
EveryLibrary Institute
Fair Michigan Justice Project
Fair Wisconsin
Fairness Campaign
Fight for the Future
Free Speech Coalition
Freedom From Religion Coaltion
Freedom Network USA
Freedom Oklahoma
Freedom to Learn Advocates
Georgia Equality
The Human Trafficking Prevention Project
Indivisible Bainbridge Island
Indivisible Bellingham
Indivisible Eastside
Indivisible Plus Washington
Indivisible Whidbey Island
Interactive Advertising Bureau
Internet Society
Jews for a Secular Democracy
Lexington Pride Center
LGBT Technology Partnership
Library Futures
Los Angeles LGBT Center
Louisiana Trans Advocates
Lower Columbia Indivisible
Loyola University Chicago School of Law NLG
Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition
Mazzoni Center
National Coalition Against Censorship
National Health Care for the Homeless Council
National Lawyers Guild
New America’s Open Technology Institute
One Iowa
Organization for Identity and Cultural Development (OICD)
PDX Privacy
PROMO – Missouri
Ranking Digital Rights
Reframe Health and Justice
Restore the Fourth
Right To Be
R Street Institute
Secular Student Alliance
SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change
Silver State Equality-Nevada
Snohomish County Indivisible
Superbloom (previously known as Simply Secure)
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT)
The Tor Project
University of Iowa College of Law NLG Chapter
WA People’s Privacy
Wallingford Indivisible
Whitman-Walker Institute
Wikimedia Foundation
Woodhull Freedom Foundation
Wyoming Equality
Yale Privacy Lab